Bobbi Nelson, So Much More Than Just Willie's Sister

Bobbie Nelson has been a big part of her brother's band since the early 70's when Willie took her to New York City to help him with the records he was making. 
Willie and Bobbie have remained very close since they were little.  Their parents married very young and the marriage didn't last.  They were raised by their music loving grandparents in the little town of Abbott, Texas. They would compose gospel music after supper and insist the children get involved too.  Bobbi learned how to read and play music by her grandmother at the age of 6.  When Bobbie was 9 and Willie was 6 their grandfather died and their grandmother worked in the fields. 
Bobbi tours with Willie's band and she plays a a 7-foot Steinway.  She is amazing and beautiful.

I know it isn't good to go through life having regrets...but I do have a regret when it comes to Bobbie.  Years back on a very rainy night after a Willie Nelson Concert at the Guild Hall on Long Island in East Hampton, New York I got the priviledge of going inside Willie's bus to "meet & greet" and to get his autograph.  I was so star stuck and amazed that I was on the bus that I completely neglected to acknowledge Bobbie who was standing on my left within arms reach.  She said hello and nodded but I was in a daze.  It didn't dawn on me until I was on the way home while I was screaming with delight at the fact that I was actually in Willie's bus. She too is a living country legend and a very important member of Willie's band and family. Oh well, you can't go back so I won't beat myself up over it.  Thank you Bobbi.
Bobbie and Willie, 2007 Photo by Todd V. Wolfson


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