Once upon a time.............

I have to say I am absolutely enjoying Facebook!   You meet so many people in your lifetime, stay connected with a few and lose contact with many.  Facebook has made it possible to reconnect with people that stood out in your memories but you just go in different directions over the years and lose contact.  I think the older you get the more fun it is to reconnect with people that share your space in time when life seemed simplier and carefree.  If you connect with someone you knew when you were five - you become 5 years old again.  You go back to that space in time.  Once you "friend" each other again you begin to share memories - some you remember, some you don't.  The more you chat, the more you begin to remember.  You start to dig through old pictures, scan and send them and share in laughter.  I think it is like putting together a puzzle of your life.  Connecting with important pieces of what made you who you are today.  I have reconnected with early childhood friends, middle and high school friends, old co-workers, relatives and even relatives I never really got the chance to know before we became "friends" on Facebook. Think back, who stands out in your memories of your childhood and past that you would like to share history with.  Reach out and see if you can find them.  I bet they will be glad you did! 


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