Time to thank Willie for Farm Aid

Farm Aid 1985

Back in  September of 1985 (two months after my oldest son Robert was born) Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp held their first concert to benefit family farmers. In 1987 Willie and John brought family farmers before Congress to testify about the state of family farming.  Congress passed the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 to help save family farms from foreclosure.
Farm Aid is an organization that works to increase awareness of the importance of family farms, and puts on an annual concert of country, blues and rock music with a variety of stars. The board of directors includes Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews. Last October the 25th Anniversary concert was held in Wisconsin. 

Living on the Eastern End of Long Island, New York, I grew up with the luxury of buying and eating fresh fruits and vegetables from road side farm stands.  Good work Willie and gang! This is just another reason why I am a big fan of Willie!

Willie signing autographs after the concert at Westbury Music Fair, Long Island, New York:
Check out this link to find out more about Farm Aid:



  1. Great post!

    Also time for Willie for a Nobel!

    A campaign for a Nobel Peace Prize for Willie Nelson's work on sustainable agriculture, alternative fuels, and world peace initiatives has been launched! Thanks for helping!
    - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nobel-Peace-Prize-for-Willie-Nelson-for-Farm-Aid/108774115853831


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